Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities CouncilTexarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council, Inc. P. O. Box 1171 Texarkana, AR-TX 75504
Join TRAHC and Help Continue the Tradition!The Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council (TRAHC) is a non-profit organization - and our members are very important to us! Ticket sales for theater events cover only about two-thirds of the cost of the Perot Theater season. The "show goes on" because TRAHC membership money makes up the difference. Membership money makes the difference in the quality and variety of the programs you enjoy. TRAHC membership dollars help pay basic operating costs, publicity, support staff salaries, and help TRAHC compete more effectively for government, corporate and foundation grants. If you are already a TRAHC member, thank you for your generous community spirit. If you are not a TRAHC member, please consider joining! This year promises to be our best yet. Be part of continuing the tradition - become a TRAHC member today! JOIN NOW! What is?... Who is?... TRAHC, Inc.TRAHC is a community arts council through which your friends and your neighbors work to bring the beauty and the wonder of the world to this area. Services include: - Education programs including Artist-in-Residence, ArtsSmart II for teachers, Student shows at the Perot
- The Regional Arts Center (RAC)
- Visual arts exhibits
- Perot Theater Management
- Women for the Arts (WFA)
- WFA gift shop in the RAC
- Life-long learning for all
- Tourism and economic development
Membership and gifts underwrite all of these programs and serve as matching funds for public and private sources. It is our privilege to serve you. TRAHC Staff Rodney E. LeBoeuf, Ed.D., Executive Director |